Welcome 2010!!

Saturday, 2 January 2010, 21:30 | Category : Thoughts
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Well this is my very first post and the start of a new year!  Don’t you just love new starts?  I do!  I think every Monday is a fresh start.  Most people don’t like Mondays but I happen to love them for the most part.  Its the fresh start to a whole new week with new possibilities and plans.  I’m not one for making new years resolutions but I do like to make goals for the year.  I think the two are very different.  Goals are something to work towards and new years resolutions are more like something you want to change about yourself.  That may sound similar to some but to me its feels way different.

So far my thoughts for 2010 are: Be-Do-Have.  Be committed, do what it takes and you will have what you want.  This could be for anything that may show itself this year.  I love the unknown of what is to come and then thinking of looking back this time next year and assessing all that I didn’t know that was ahead of me.  Does that even make sense?  Does to me.

The fact that I am starting this blog at the beginning of 2010 was not planned just happened that way.  My idea is to share thoughts and my daily life.  My daily life consists of taking care of my sweet baby girl and my wonderful husband, cleaning house, avoiding laundry, talking to mom and Wendy on the phone, being in love, organizing, cooking, planning on exercising, oh and did I mention talking to mom and Wendy on the phone?   As for my thoughts, well I may have to edit those sometimes, you never know what they may be but I’ll try to be as honest as possible.

I am making this journal for myself but maybe along the way, some of you might enjoy getting to know me a little better!

One Comment for “Welcome 2010!!”

  1. 1Mom

    Way to go Sweet Girl! I admire you and love you and Wendy very much. You girls are role models for me.

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